Need to receive your state-mandated continuing education hours, but cannot attend a GAPPT event?

The GAPPT established its online learning platform, GAPPT|CLASSROOM, to ensure public retirement system fiduciaries are able to receive quality, comprehensive, and unbiased education... on demand and at a reasonable cost.

Individual Online Educational Sessions

Member cost is $60.00 per session. | $115.00 for non-members.

NEW! Continuing Education Course sessions from the 2024 Trustee School were recorded for the online platform and will be available on November 14, 2024.

View Our Online Education Courses HERE

For a downloadable PDF of our current online sessions, please click here.

Participation and Certificates

In order to earn GAPPT Continuing Education Credits (CECs) and IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*, participants need to view the entire video presentation and complete its brief assessment. Upon successful completion of the session, participants will receive a printable certificate for their records. Any earned education credits will also show on their GAPPT transcript.

*IACET CEUs cannot be awarded for sessions uploaded to the platform before February 1, 2022. 

IACET-AP-LogoThe Georgia Association of Public Plan Trustees is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes the quality of continuing education and training. 

For additional details about GAPPT online continuing education, please contact